Centre for Inclusive Green Skills


At St. Kizito High School Namugongo, we prioritize education for a sustainable future. As the first school in Uganda to integrate green skills into our curriculum, we recognize the importance of inclusive training in the green sector.

However, many young people from low-income households lack access to these opportunities. To address this problem, we have partnered with WEYE Clean Energy in establishment of the Centre for Inclusive Green Skills (CIGS), an initiative aimed at extending our efforts beyond the school gates. Offering life-changing opportunities to youth who would otherwise be excluded from the green economy.

The Centre for Inclusive Green Skills (CIGS) is designed

to bridge the gap between disadvantaged youth and the burgeoning green economy, ensuring equitable access to quality education and fostering a generation of eco-conscious entrepreneurs and workers.

Youth to benefit annually
The Necessity for CIGS

In the current global economy, the focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility has created promising opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in the green sector. However, many young individuals from low-income communities are unable to benefit from this due to systemic barriers in education and training. The lack of access to quality education and opportunities to acquire green skills perpetuates cycles of poverty, hindering sustainable development within these communities.

Our Solution

CIGS seeks to democratize access to green skills and knowledge, empowering young individuals for the future economy. Situated on a 2-acre plot in the Mukono community, the center will act as a social business accelerator and demonstration site, showcasing practical applications of green technologies. From briquette production to solar-powered hydroponics and biogas generation, CIGS will equip participants with the skills needed to excel in the green economy.

Education and practical skills development is the pathway out of poverty

CIGS holds the promise of life transformation, building on the school’s existing impact on over 1000 students annually. Projected to directly benefit an additional 1,000 young individuals each year, the community centre aims to empower them to launch green enterprises or secure employment in the green sector, addressing both immediate community needs and contributing to broader sustainable development goals.

Project Objectives

The Centre for Inclusive Green Skills represents a beacon of hope and a practical solution to the dual challenges of youth unemployment and environmental degradation.

By investing in the potential of young people and equipping them with the tools to succeed in a green economy, we can foster a more sustainable and equitable world. Support for CIGS is not just an investment in education; it’s an investment in a greener, more inclusive future.

Youth empowerment through green skills

Offer youth a blend of practical and theoretical training in a wide range of modern day green solutions and technologies.

Affordability and Sustainability

Create the most affordable and impact driven green skilling program with demonstration projects that are accessible to all youth across the globe.

Skills Exchange

Attract youth from across the globe to come to Uganda, exchange their green skills, learn new skills and co-create solutions together with Ugandan youth.

All in one Space

We want to create an innovation hub equipped with accommodation facilities, computer labs, co-working space, workshop/project spaces, library, leisure facilities & some sporting spaces in the long term.

CIGS Details


CIGS will offer both residential and non-residential training programs that focus on a diverse range of green projects, catering to the needs of participants from various backgrounds. These programs will provide hands-on experience and practical skills necessary for success in the green economy. Additionally, CIGS will implement a dynamic youth exchange program, welcoming participants from around the world to exchange knowledge, learn from each other, and collaborate on innovative projects. Additionally, CIGS will engage in volunteer-tourism initiatives, offering participants the opportunity to contribute to community projects while exploring local tourist attractions. This unique combination of skill-building and cultural immersion will enrich the learning experience and foster global collaboration for sustainable development.

Participants will have the opportunity to select from a diverse array of green projects, including

Hydroponics greenhouse farming

Modern mushroom farming with post-harvest processing

Recreational fish farming

Black soldier flies project

Biogas and bio-fertilizer production

Clean cook stoves production

Green digital skills training (Green tech, A.I,)

Food waste preservation and processing

Solar systems sizing and installation for different functions

Other Questions

What advantages does CIGS offer?

To Non-Ugandan Participants

  • Authentic cultural, learning or volunteer experience
    • Pair with local youth to learn and build projects together.
    • Contribute to the local social and environmental projects in tourism-based communities.
    • Work with community schools to build school-based skills projects.
  • Affordable and adventurous group tours at zero or low additional cost to the participant

To Ugandan Participants

  • Learn new green skills relevant in the current green economy
  • Create global networks with youth from across the globe.
  • Connection to companies/NGOs where they could apply learned skills
  • Training and connection to secure seed funding for youth to start micro/small or medium size enterprises
  • Provision of crucial services like legal, IT and tax compliance to youth start-ups

To the Country’s government/local economy

  • Improved skills and capacity building for youth promoting more entrepreneurship
  • More direct and indirect jobs created and supporting value chain beneficiaries.
  • Increasing potential for foreign investment by equipping youth with the latest skills to work with new technologies and systems
What are the expected revenue streams?
  • Youth exchange program fees.
  • Study tour fees.
  • Sales or commission on products and services.
  • Facilities rent/hiring income.
  • Grants for various projects.
Why do we need your support?

Funding would provide the critical financial support needed to bring CIGS to fruition. The funds will be utilized to renovate existing structures into functional workspaces and to establish demonstration projects that will serve as the backbone of our training programs. This support will enable us to extend the reach of our green skills training beyond the school gates, offering life-changing opportunities to youth who would otherwise be excluded from the green economy.
CIGS represents a beacon of hope and a practical solution to the dual challenges of youth unemployment and environmental degradation. By investing in the potential of young people and equipping them with the tools to succeed in a green economy, we can foster a more sustainable and equitable world. Support for CIGS is not just an investment in education; it’s an investment in a greener, more inclusive future.

How do we make sure its accessible and affordable to all?

The Centre will be partnering with donor agencies, International Organizations, NGOs, Universities and other stakeholders willing to fully or partially fund different youth and women groups to access such training.
In addition, our centre will be generating incomes from sales of products and services that are output of our demonstration projects. This will also be used to subsidize cost of accessing training at our centre for youth from low income households.

What is our timeline

Our team is looking at launch and starting operations by January 2025

What primary resources are currently at our disposal?

Location/ Land

This magnificent facility is already starting to take shape in the 2.5 acres of land located in Ntawo village, Mukono District owned by the school. This land already has structures built that are undergoing renovation to be turned into magnificent facilities

Become our Funder or Partner

Support CIGS in providing a space for global youth to exchange skills and innovate for a greener future. By supporting CIGS, you’ll make a tangible impact on young lives locally and globally.

Contact Person

Kazibwe Ezekiel

– Headteacher

(+256) 706 602720